Monday, April 23, 2007

Veggi Stir Fry

So tonight I was expecting a guest over for stir fry. So I bust out the Wok, get some veggies from the store and go at it. Here my recipy for a fucking amazing mixed stir fry dish. Ready? Lets do it.
So I started with my rice. It takes the longest and you can do it on the side.
  • 2 1/2 cups rice (basmati long)
  • 4 3/4cups water
  • 1/4 onion cubbed
  • 1 clove of garlic minced
  • 1 tsp minced ginger
  • 1 handful carrot shavings
  • 1 handful Cellery
  • 1/4 cup of peas
  • hand ful of mushrooms well cut.

Throw it all together in the rice cooker let cook.

Next You need the Noodles


  • 1 pack of noodles (shanghai, rice, egg etc)
  • Soy sauce
  • 2tbs oil

Noodles are pretty straight foreward, thaw them in warm water (or low on the stove) drain them off. Add some oil to your wok, heat to about a 6-7 on your stove, throw in dryed off noodles, add soy sauce and fry till it browns a little. After, put them aside.

Next the veggies. I used quite a good variety of veggies to compliment my dietary choices. Heres what I used but you can use your own assortment of veggies. You should have about 2-3 cups of assorted veggies when your done.


  • Carrots
  • Japapenios
  • snap peas
  • sprouts (Added cold after wards)
  • a tbsp garlic
  • a tbsp ginger
  • onions
  • celery
  • broccoli
  • buk choy

Take your assorted veggies and quickly fry the fragrant ones in some oil (onions garlic ginger etc) add the rest with a few tbsp of water and then cover your wok. Let crisp on low for about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and put aside.

For meat I used tofu. It has protein, iron and a few vitamins. It also has very little fat. I marinaded the cubes in tamari soy sauce, coarse pepper, garlic powder and sesame seeds. Fry them on high with quite a bit of oil. Fry them. Let them brown on most sides before taking them off the heat and putting them aside.

I also used prawns. I boiled them, shelled them, then fried them in soy sauce pepper and a dash of lemon juice.

I personaly served them all seperate kind of a mixed asian meal, but for those who like fried rice. fry up a scrambled egg in the wok and while it's still a little runny add a bunch of the rice and let fry for a few minutes, stirring every so often. till it starts browning.

If you would like you can add the rest into the wok at this point to to heat them before serving and making a stir fry with noodles, fried rice, beggies tofu and shrimp. Enjoy :)

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